This picture pretty much explained the food in Munich.
左邊的是梅子蛋糕。每到了梅子季節,想不吃到都不行。瑪姬在德國吃到的第一個 home made 蛋糕就是梅子蛋糕,那是正值秋天的時候,然後不到一星期,又吃到了兩次免費的梅子蛋糕。
右上方的是有名的難吃麵包,聽說這是拿來配啤酒的。難吃是瑪姬的個人評價啦... 又硬又鹹的... 對不起啦,德國的捧友,但這個上面看的到鹽巴顆粒的麵包,對瑪姬來說,真的是個大錯誤!
回覆刪除I am an expatriate from Taiwan in Australia. I discovered your blog about 2 years ago and it has made me want to experience life in Sweden. Thanks to that, I am now studying in Sweden (albeit for just 1/2 year). I thought it might be interesting to you that your blog sent someone half way around the world
I see that you seem to be doing some traveling now and I wish you all the best,
Hi Winnie, thank you for your message. I am touched!!! How has Sweden been treating you so far? Which city you are?
回覆刪除It's treating me extremely well- in the few days I've been in Stockholm the weather's absolutely perfect, and because the day is so long one can really enjoy the weather. I've been told that the lovely weather disappears in one month and coming from a place with no harsh winter I am not quite sure what to expect
I like it when it all covered by snow XD I am sure you will have fun!
回覆刪除I wish you all the best during your stay in Sweden!
我也不喜歡德國的 pretzel. 不過德國香腸跟肉類都好好吃喔~ (流口水)而且還有煮豬舌跟炒豬腰之類的菜耶!
回覆刪除不曉得瑪姬現在在哪個城市? 慕尼黑的 Paulaner 餐廳既平價又讚喔!:D~